
Changes in my study programme

 Hello everyone, today in this blog I will talk about the changes in the curriculum. To begin with, I find the curriculum of this university very complete, so I wouldn't change much about it, looking at other programs, I feel that they focus more on smaller units and not in general, that is, for example, branches of Family, Security, etc., in the University of Chile is different, they focus on theory and are more general branches. What I would like to change in my opinion is to know a little more about psychology, but seeing it in the different types of subjects and thus knowing the behaviour of each person, I would also like to know more about the history of the pioneers of social work.  Looking at it from the point of view with COVID-19, the workload and duration of studies is a lot, many people, like me, have problems with internet connection, others do not have a stable place of study or a computer of their own, so the academic load is complex, the durations of classes should l

My favorite series!

  Hi, today I'll tell you about my favorite series that is Grey's Anatomy, over a year ago a friend named Vania was telling me to see a series with her so we could comment on it, but I always said no because I felt I had too many chapters. One day on vacation I didn't know which movie to watch because I'd seen most of Netflix's, so I decided to listen to my friend and start watching this serie. I became obsessed and I saw it every day and literally all day, I saw the 16 seasons in less than a month. My friend always told me that I reminded him of Cristina Yang and didn't understand why until I saw him and realized that our genius was very similar, became one of my favorite characters. This series became my favorite and I wish I had free time to see her again, I would see her many times and I would never get tired of her. With my friend we're looking forward to seeing season 17 and we've already seen some spoilers in tik tok haha.