Changes in my study programme

 Hello everyone, today in this blog I will talk about the changes in the curriculum. To begin with, I find the curriculum of this university very complete, so I wouldn't change much about it, looking at other programs, I feel that they focus more on smaller units and not in general, that is, for example, branches of Family, Security, etc., in the University of Chile is different, they focus on theory and are more general branches. What I would like to change in my opinion is to know a little more about psychology, but seeing it in the different types of subjects and thus knowing the behaviour of each person, I would also like to know more about the history of the pioneers of social work. 

Looking at it from the point of view with COVID-19, the workload and duration of studies is a lot, many people, like me, have problems with internet connection, others do not have a stable place of study or a computer of their own, so the academic load is complex, the durations of classes should last a little less so that it does not affect the connection so much. A student in this case has to be many hours glued to a computer which makes learning difficult, the use of technology has increased a lot, some people are their way to study and read their texts, among other things. 

I can't focus on the facilities of the university (buildings and infrastructure), because I have never been to the university, so I don't know it, I have seen some pictures in which you can see a big campus, but beyond that I don't know it, I hope to know the university soon to see what I have missed these two years.

The teaching methods are good, because the professors teach well and because social work is a lot of theory, they have to have a good foundation and history, many professors use a presentation to help students retain more information.


  1. Wow Isi, in most things we think the same;)

  2. Hi Isidora, I liked your opinion on the blog!
    I think that the University should also teach the practical. It focuses too much on the theoretical.

  3. Hii Isi, I know that someday we will meet the university haha.

  4. Hello Isi !!! The connection problem happens a lot to me, it's a real shame. I also think it is a good program, although I would like to add subjects that talk more about social work from the beginning of the career.


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