My favorite series!


Hi, today I'll tell you about my favorite series that is Grey's Anatomy, over a year ago a friend named Vania was telling me to see a series with her so we could comment on it, but I always said no because I felt I had too many chapters.

One day on vacation I didn't know which movie to watch because I'd seen most of Netflix's, so I decided to listen to my friend and start watching this serie. I became obsessed and I saw it every day and literally all day, I saw the 16 seasons in less than a month. My friend always told me that I reminded him of Cristina Yang and didn't understand why until I saw him and realized that our genius was very similar, became one of my favorite characters.

This series became my favorite and I wish I had free time to see her again, I would see her many times and I would never get tired of her. With my friend we're looking forward to seeing season 17 and we've already seen some spoilers in tik tok haha.


  1. I liked your post, I haven't seen the series but I've been told it's very good

  2. omg Isi this series is so cool, in the university i hope can comment it with you

  3. I have never seen the series, I hope one day to start watching hehe

  4. I love this serie too! my favorite character is Cristina Yang jajaj <3 <3 I always cry watching the serie

  5. I love Grey´s Anatomy, it's the only series I've been able to watch absolutely every season of! I miss Lexie :(

  6. Hi! I haven't had the time to watch it :( I'll definitely watch it!!!

  7. Hello isiii!! I saw this series until the 10th season because after that I started college and I could not continue, I hope to return one day.

  8. my favorite serie too!! did you see that there's going to be an 18 season?:o


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